Understanding AFIR: A Comprehensive Guide for CPOs, Wholesalers, and End Consumers by Alfen


Introduction to AFIR

The Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) is set to reshape Europe’s approach to electric mobility. As part of the European Union's broader strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, AFIR outlines (among other alternative fuels) a structured plan to enhance the accessibility, reliability, and user-friendliness of EV charging infrastructure across member states. With the regulation set to be enforced beginning 13 April 13 2024, Alfen is committed to guiding CPOs, wholesalers, and end consumers through this significant transition by ensuring readiness and compliance with the new standards.

What is AFIR?

AFIR is a regulatory framework designed to accelerate the deployment of alternative fuel infrastructure, including electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. It aims to address and reduce current disparities in EV charging infrastructure, making electric driving more convenient and accessible for all Europeans.

For a more detailed exploration of AFIR, its implications for electric mobility in Europe, and the specific benefits it offers Alfen customers and EV drivers, read our article: New AFIR Law Facilitates Electric Driving in Europe – What Are the Benefits for Alfen Customers and EV Drivers?

Why AFIR matters

AFIR represents a significant leap towards reducing the EU’s net greenhouse gas emissions, emphasizing the need for a robust infrastructure that supports the widespread adoption of EVs. This regulation will enhance the user experience with standardized charging solutions across public spaces and foster a competitive and sustainable market for electric mobility.

Critical to AFIR's strategy, especially for chargers located in publicly accessible areas, are measures such as:

  • Mandatory ad-hoc charging and transparent payment systems.
  • Clear pricing transparency across charging stations.
  • Improved data sharing between charging point operators and service providers.

These provisions ensure EV drivers have reliable, straightforward access to charging services, propelling the EU towards its green mobility goals.

The impact of AFIR on Charge point operators, wholesalers, and consumers

Charge Point Operators (CPOs)

CPOs are at the heart of AFIR's implementation and are tasked with upgrading their infrastructure to comply with the new regulations. AFIR mandates adopting uniform standards for charging stations, including integrating user-friendly payment systems, displaying transparent pricing, and providing digital connectivity. CPOs must ensure that stations installed after April 13 2024 comply with these new regulations.


Distributors of EV charging solutions must be aware of AFIR compliance required in their products and ensure that hardware meets the necessary regulatory standards. This is particularly crucial for hardware intended for chargers installed or located in publicly accessible areas as AFIR's stringent requirements for ad-hoc payments, price transparency, and data sharing apply specifically to these types of public chargers.


EV drivers benefit significantly from AFIR, which improves charging infrastructure accessibility, payment convenience, and price transparency, enhancing the overall user experience.

Preparing for AFIR with Alfen

Want to know how to prepare for AFIR with Alfen? As we approach the implementation date, understanding the steps and strategies for compliance is crucial for all stakeholders involved in EV charging. Alfen is here to guide you through the preparation process and offer insights into the enhancements and updates we've introduced to ensure our products and services fully align with AFIR standards.

Read it in this article: Preparing for AFIR with Alfen: Countdown to compliance

Alfen’s AFIR-compliant solutions

Alfen leads in ensuring that our charging solutions adhere to AFIR standards. We’re demonstrating our dedication to compliance and pioneering innovation with comprehensive updates to our products.

Here’s how our solutions are designed to support compliance and facilitate a smooth transition:

  • Dynamic QR codes for payment: Alfen’s charging stations with displays incorporate dynamic QR codes, which facilitate secure and straightforward payment transactions in accordance with AFIR’s direct payment requirements. Of course, our charging stations also still work with external payment terminals linked via a Charge Point Management System (CPSM). 
  • Transparent pricing display: Consistent with AFIR’s emphasis on transparency, Alfen’s chargers are equipped to display all pricing information clearly, enabling consumers to make informed decisions.
  • Smart charging capabilities: Alfen's chargers support smart charging (local with load balancing, over direct-OCPP and specific DSO connections), helping to efficiently use energy and integrate EVs into the smart grid, a key component of AFIR’s push for digital connectivity and sustainability.

Alfen's journey to AFIR compliance across the EU As of March 19, 2024, Alfen's charging equipment with displays* comply with AFIR regulations across EU countries. This accomplishment signifies Alfen's commitment to promoting electric driving in Europe and enhancing security, user convenience, and regulatory conformity. *Excluding chargers for Germany and Austria.

How dynamic QR codes enhance security and convenience

In the landscape of EV charging, the method of payment is evolving. While some CPOs might consider using stickers with static QR codes for payment, Alfen champions using dynamic QR codes in our charging equipment. Here’s why dynamic QR codes represent a safer, more secure choice:

Dynamic QR codes:

  • Include changing or transaction-specific details, significantly reducing the possibility of fraudulent actions. With unique transaction identifiers for each session, they offer an added layer of security against unauthorized use.
  • Maintain a digital, secured communication link from the Charge Point Management System to the displayed QR code, ensuring that the information is transmitted safely.

Static QR codes stickers:

  • Contain fixed information, making them more susceptible to replay attacks. Once intercepted, the same data can be reused for unauthorized transactions, posing a significant security risk.
  • Can’t be updated remotely so they must be physically replaced to reflect any changes in payment information or to address security vulnerabilities. This process can be cumbersome and inefficient, leading to potential gaps in security.

Alfen’s choice to integrate dynamic QR codes into our EV charging equipment is guided by our commitment to providing our customers with safe, user-friendly, and technologically advanced options. By opting for dynamic QR codes, Alfen ensures that CPOs can offer their customers a secure, convenient payment method that aligns with the latest digital security standards and complies with AFIR's transparency and ease of use requirements.

Partnering for a sustainable future

The introduction of AFIR marks a pivotal moment in Europe's journey towards sustainable and accessible electric mobility. Alfen is proud to lead by example, offering innovative, compliant EV charging solutions and expert guidance to support CPOs, wholesalers and end consumers through this transition. Together, we are driving towards a cleaner, greener future.

Interested in Alfen's AFIR-compliant EV charging equipment?

If you're looking to upgrade or install new EV charging stations that comply with the latest AFIR regulations, Alfen has the expertise and solutions you need. Contact us today to learn how we can help you meet the compliance standards and enhance your EV charging offerings.


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