Do you want to know more about Alfen charging stations and applications?
Sign up for one of our training courses! Among other things, we answer questions about the different products, how to install a charging station and what our Smart Charging solutions entail. Check out the options below.
Alfen face to face training courses
Do you want to know more about Alfen charging stations and applications? Our hands on, face to face training program has been developed by specialists of Alfen and always contains the latest information on products and functionalities of Alfen charging stations. The training program has been developed for various target groups: resellers, product specialists, installers and service technicians. There are specific training modules for each target group.

Alfen eLearning Solutions
Are you interested in learning by yourself, in your own time about EV charging? Learn in our eLearnings how to prepare for an installation, carry out an installation, commission, configure and/or service a Alfen charging station (or a whole loading plaza, for that matter) . Alfen offers two suites of training modules that can be taken on your own time.

Alfen In-Company Training
Alfen also offers the possibility of receiving training exclusively to a targeted group of employees of the same company. Training takes place on company premises or on a location to be provided by the company. Alfen will provide the instructor and necessary training equipment to execute the training. The number of attendees is limited to max. 10 participants.