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EV Charging

Optimal charging with the smartest local charging network

Ev chargingSmart charging network

Benefits Smart Charging Network


Affordable innovation

No need for expensive equipment or a Master, a simple switch suffices, or use an existing network router. Save yourself a grid upgrade thanks to the cost efficient solutions by Alfen Charging Equipment.


Social charging network

Only smart charging stations, no masters or slaves. That is Alfen’s principle of the Smart Charging Network. All Alfen charging stations are equal and cooperate to use the available capacity optimally.


Safety at group level

Supports single and double Alfen charging stations: model Eve Single, Eve Double Pro-line and Twin*. The charging stations are connected to the installation to ensure maximum power supply. The SCN prevents overloading.


Free choice of back office subscriptions

Easy to combine with a back office (subscription) of your choice. All Alfen charging stations are unlocked, also in a SCN you can choose the supplier that best fits your needs, even per charging station.


Optimal charging with the available power supply

The available power is monitored and distributed optimally over the number of active users. This way, vehicles that are being charged simultaneously are supplied with a maximum amount of power.


Simple configuration

Easily expandable and configurable thanks to the automatic network configuration. Add a new charging station to the group. All of the already connected charging stations will recognise this addition and adapt immediately.

Most advanced technology for a vehicle charging plaza

Alfen's Smart Charging Network (SCN) is the most advanced charging station technology on the market. It operates as a social charging network, without masters and slaves. All charging stations align their charging speed among each other.


Read more about Smart Charging Network in our leaflet. We explain how you can optimise charging and keep costs under control with Smart Charging Network.


This is how Alfen's smart network works

See how Alfen's Smart Charging Network works and how it can charge numerous electric vehicles within the available power capacity. All charging stations coordinate the charging speed with each other. Optionally, Smart Charging Network can be combined with Active Load Balancing.

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EV charging equipment
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